Following the build of a web application ‘Trax’ to store learner data for lifelong learning projects within various unions around the country, it became evident that the unions needed a way of capturing new enquiries in a more mobile way. The Union Learning Reps can be attending events to attract new learners, or visiting sites where they can’t get access to the internet.
We designed and built ‘EOIgo’, an app designed to collect expressions of interest from new learners, or learners who are interested in going on to another course. The app needed to collect the data and send it to the union’s individual Trax system to be added to their database, or the information stored locally until access to the internet was available. The learner had to be given the opportunity to read the data collection statement and approve the use of their data. This had to be clear, easy and quick to process.
The result is a simple form which collects in some cases quite complex data and feeding it to specific sections of different websites. The app can be used on mobile or tablets, android and apple.